Tag Archives: random blurbs

A Fun and Better Way of Donating Pre-Loved Stuff

Thank God this wreakin’ havoc habagat finally got tired at last. After taking a rest from cleaning the house due to the leaks from the kitchen ceiling, I attacked my closet for some clothes that I can give to those who need it more.

As I was sorting out my tops and bottoms; my niblings  toys, clothes and shoes, an idea came up. A very kikay idea. Mix and Match! 😉

Make donating clothes fun. Mix and match them. This will save the volunteers a lot of time sorting through stuff. 😀

When I started mixing and matching… I can’t stop!

A summery ensemble on a rainy day 😀

I paired this cute top with a dark gray miniskirt… 😀

Colorful tops and shorts that I was thinking of keeping for myself but thought better of it. I hope the girl who gets it will love it 😀

When you’re done, put each ensemble in individual packaging and label each; I labeled them: Complete set of clothes

Collected infant stuff that my niblings have outgrew.

These two kept on going to my room to drop off their toys and clothes that their mom hand over to them.

Here’s to hoping these toys will bring a smile to a kid who gets it 😀

While these two cuties are far away, it’s like they gave their toys and clothes too since they left some stuff here during their vacation. (Photo courtesy of Mira)

I felt nostalgic when I saw this shirt from high school 🙂 One more tip, if you can indicate the shirt size, I’m sure this will be loads of help to the volunteers. 😉

Not even the intense monsoon rains can dampen the Pinoy spirit. We smile. We send love to other people in whatever way we can.

After hours of mixing and matching and labeling, we’re good to go! \m/_(^_^)_\m/

So my nephew took a picture of my shirt. We should really save Earth! 😀

From the Twitter account @MarikinaPIO: Marikina Hotline 682-9573;for any DONATIONS whether in kind or in cash may be delivered to Marikina Sports Center.

You can also drop off your donations at the Marikina Rotary Youth Club in front of the Marikina Sports Center.


Filed under Photography, Random Blurbs

I Eat Medical Terms for Lunch and Humor for Dessert

My father is recuperating well, apart from him being so thin. I wish they could just put us both on the operating table so that they can suction my fats out and into my father. Nice thought, right? Operation: Balik-Alindog Nakatulong Ka Pa. I get slimmer, he gets fatter. And there are actually willing donors like my friends and my sister, who I’m sure will happily fly back to Manila on short notice. 😀

On a serious note, I am sharing this experience as heads up to anyone who are unfortunately in the same situation as ours.

We would have been home days earlier if not for this pulmonologist who did my father’s thoracentesis procedure. Due to pleural effusion (fluid buildup between the tissue layers lining the lungs and the chest cavity), he had to undergo that bedside procedure to drain the fluid from his left lung. This is a minor operation and should have been good for just 3-5 days confinement had this doctor thought to give some cough suppressant or a mild sedative to keep him from coughing during the procedure. At least that’s what my sister thought so; considering she’s a nurse, she has some know-how at least on these things. I sadly don’t.

Now, that I think about it, it’s actually common sense to give the patient some cough suppressant to minimize the risk of pneumothorax (air in the chest cavity), and not altogether rely on your patient not to cough because you told him so. Coughing is something you cannot control; you just have to do it when you got to do it.

As she performed the procedure, she had to replace two needles as it bent inside when my father coughed. Two bloody effin’ instances of coughing. On the first go, maybe she should have already thought to give him something right? No she poked him again. Ergo, possibly introducing more air.

His post-procedure x-ray confirmed there is air and some remaining fluid on his left lung. And so he has to undergo another minor procedure, tube thoracostomy, where a tube will be inserted on his left side to drain the air and fluid from his lung. I wanted to strangle this soft-spoken doctor if not for the sheer restraint I put upon myself.

Anyway on a happy note, the tube  that rendered my father immobile for days has been removed at last,  around 10AM today.  We are hoping to be out of this white joint early this week. *on bended knee… dear PapaG(esus) please 🙂 *

My father’s humor and sarcasm are back as well. Woohooo! Dear brother just laughed off the sarcasm thrown at him as we were just happy he’s getting stronger to have a comeback like he does now.

In an exchange with mother over breakfast:

Mom: Akin na yang kamay mo para makaupo ka na at makakain ka na.
Dad: (Stares long at Mom and blurts out) Hinihingi mo na ang kamay ko? He said it with a naughty glint in his eyes; as though my Mom is asking for his hand in marriage.

I was really amused; even my usually poker face mother was actually laughing. While she has the tendency to break into a litany (which we fondly call The Litany of Rolanda 😀 ) of my father’s faults and annoying ways when the opportunity arises, we know in her tough love kind of way, she loves him. She just won’t admit it. 😀


Filed under Random Blurbs

Cool Friday

The weather earlier proved to be bipolar so I pretty much dressed down (as usual) and so….

I grabbed my ever dependable denim skirt and white long-sleeved shirt because they don’t need any ironing (I’m so feeling like a man! 😀 )

Because the rain will stylishly spatter this otherwise immaculate sneakers 😀 Strangely, I don’t like sneakers looking a tad too clean. 😉

And the cap brilliantly kept my hair in place when the wind was wreaking havoc on everyone else’s crowning glory 😀

I’m keeping myself occupied as it’s my turn to sleep at the hospital and take care of the man of the house. This is my second Friday gimmick at the hospital. Alcohol-free Fridays. Yup, I’ll make up for it over the weekend 😉

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Filed under Random Blurbs

Shorts: More Fun in the Philippines

So here’s the local version of the funny acronyms. It was at ‘Paranaque’ that I got stuck when that request for Mozambique came up 😛


Filed under Random Blurbs

Funny Shorts

I hardly delete emails from friends; even those forwarded ones; especially if it’s from those people who sends my heart fluttering at the mere sight of their name on my inbox. ❤

Anyway as I was scavenging through close to 3000 emails, I found this rather old one with the funny acronyms and some more that I found while scavenging the web and even more as I was scavenging my brain.

So this may yet be a series of sorts again just to organize them (because I’m an OC that way 😛 ). Let’s start with the countries, yo!  \m/_(^0^)_\m/


Filed under Random Blurbs