Tag Archives: random blurbs


Having grown up in a country where families are separated by the need to work abroad to earn more money, I love how technology makes this world a little smaller. It makes families today connect easier via social  media and other apps where all you need is an internet connection and you can talk for hours on  end.

On the flipside, people who are co-located seem to be farther apart because people have become virtually connected but physically disconnected. Ever been with friends during dinner and everyone is so busy taking pictures of food? And if you’re sharing and  start eating when the ‘photo op’ is not yet over, you actually have to put back that shrimp you took into its original place, otherwise you won’t hear the end of it. Seriously.

But wait there’s more! And so food photo op is finally over and you can actually start eating. Or so you thought. Now comes the part where people zone out and start uploading the photos to (anti)social media.That is what the hashtag ATM is all about. Back then, this only means Automated Teller Machine. In the 21st century, it means At The Moment; as though there is an unspoken urgency to post whatever it is we are doing or eating.

But people have data plans too! Photo courtesy of my brother. He snapped this photo from our favorite cheap gourmet resto, Kanto Freestyle Breakfast.

But people have data plans too! Photo courtesy of my brother. He snapped this photo from our favorite cheap gourmet resto, Kanto Freestyle Breakfast.

As if that is not enough, amidst all the conversation and laughter going around, there will be people who cannot seem to part with  their mobile phones even for a while. I understand checking your phone every so often, but to be on your phone more than you are actually engaged in the conversation, that is just rude.  I don’t know how doing this has become acceptable in this modern society.

Do not get me wrong. I love virtual connection as much as I love being physically connected. The internet has made it easy for me to talk to my sister and her family who lives in the UK and with relatives and friends who are living in various parts of the US, Europe and Asia. I love posting statuses and photos too! Of mundane things or some political issues that I feel strongly about. What I am driving at is: never be so busy capturing the moment that people actually lose you in the moment.

The same technology that has connected people from different continents has disconnected people who are just within few feet of each other. I just hope that people realize that it is blatant rudeness to be on your phone more than the company you’re with.  It’s like talking to someone but your eyes keep darting in different directions like you would rather be somewhere else. If that is how you feel, I think it’s more decent to excuse yourself entirely and be with those people you’re chatting with. Because it’s bad enough that you seem disinterested, it’s worse that you think this is the new norm; that this is acceptable behavior. It is not.

The best gifts are indeed free. Your time. Your undivided attention. Bear that in mind.

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Looking Back on Mother’s Day

We had a very simple childhood. The only place we’ve ever been to as children were Sunday lunches at Goldilocks and play time at Fiesta Carnival after. And the occasional trip to Luneta Park and lunch at the resto where the crew were deaf mute.


We never had a birthday party like most kids do; but we grew up ok. Our birthdays are usually with our extended family at home with the usual pansit canton, cake, and other very simple food that were otherwise very special to us. Because cake is a luxury back then.


It’s the same place every Sunday because our little salon will be slow on this day. So when customers actually walk in, we get really sad (that’s putting it mildly; we get really peeved! 🙂 ) because it means we can’t go out or lesser time at the carnival.


It’s the simplicity of our childhood that I appreciate the little comfort that we now enjoy. That’s because Nanay has the uncanny financial skills (a secondary school undergraduate as she is) that she (with my Tatay, of course) was able to send us to good schools no matter how hard up we were.


If only for that, we are ever grateful. We are who we are because of you. So thank you. Ours is not a perfect relationship, but does one actually exist? We’re very proud of you and how you’ve managed to get us through rough times with your resilience and business sense. Happy Mother’s Day, Nanay! ❤

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Sunset: The Cliché I Love


Sunsets are probably one of the most cliché subjects to photograph but it will always be my favorite. Sunsets have a way of giving things perspective.


That no matter how good or bad your day has been, it’s bound to end. One can only hope that tomorrow will be just as good or a tad better.


Just like anything in this world, sunset is fleeting. That no matter how much we want to hold on to it, we can only have it for as long. Maybe that is part of its charm; its fleetingness.


As fleeting as the sunset is, timing is essential. You have to be at the right place to experience it, otherwise, you miss the chance.


Sunset teaches us to cherish the simple things and be hopeful that tomorrow we’ll see it again.


Filed under Photography

Running Into George Tapan

Pardon this stolen shotI took last Photoworld 2012. :)

Pardon this stolen shotI took last Photoworld 2012. 🙂

Today, I won over my urge to procrastinate and vegetate; I jogged! And I was rewarded not only with burned up calories but running into the master himself: George Tapan.

Huffing and puffing as I am, I thought I’d say hi and shake his hand. That was all I wanted, instead he rewarded me with a few minutes of his time.

He is just so unassuming; bereft of any shred of  conceit that often comes with fame and success. As though he is not a multi-awarded photographer, published author and the man who bested thousands of photographers back in 2011 for the National Geographic Photo Contest in which he submitted his photo “Into the Green Zone” sans any editing. That’s how good he is. With the birth of technology, people tend to rely a little too much on editing tools rather on knowing composition, the appropriate camera settings and all the other skills necessary to capture that perfect shot. But not him.

What’s even more admirable about this man is that he generously shares his time and knowledge with people who love to take photographs without biases for any camera brand; whether you’re a Canonista, Nikonista or whatever this warring camera enthusiasts call themselves, you are welcome to join his sessions.

In that short time of chatting with him, he imparted tips on ISO, composition, resisting the urge to be trigger happy; all of that among a slew of topics from lost heritage sites; adapting to change and more exciting possibilities for his upcoming sessions.

I may not have a photo with him but that conversation with him is going to stay with me for a very long time.

To you, Master George Tapan, thank you for giving me a little of your time. Cheers to more years!

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For the Love of Coffee

The horrible traffic jams in the metro has unsweetened the commute for us lowly taxpayers and it takes more than sunshine-y disposition to win in this losing battle every single day. Well, traffic jam is one equalizer and seeing an annoyed guy driving a luxury car stuck beside the van I’m in made me a little thankful that I can doze off whenever I want while he sits there hopelessly fuming behind the wheel.

But I didn’t doze off. My mind wandered off to punchlines, comebacks, coffee and how relative it is to love and attraction. 😉



I’ve always thought that waiting for my colossal cup of brew is worth the wait. I rather wait for a fresh brew than settle for what’s left on the coffee pot. Never settle. I cannot stress that enough.


I like how being with you perks me up like a good cup of coffee in the morning.


Oh, you like it black?  How fitting for your  personality.

Bitter and dark.


I like my coffee hot and strong. Like you.


This iced coffee reminds me so much of you. Cold.


Cold nights. Hot coffee. Warm hugs.

Just perfect.


Stale coffee is thrown away because it leaves a bad taste in the mouth;

As you should to those toxic and negative people around you.


Enjoy the last few hours before the daily grind begins. Cheers to a new week! 🙂

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